Monday, December 7, 2009

Sinful Obsession Videos When Does Religion Become Obsession?

When does religion become obsession? - sinful obsession videos

I think all the "What's wrong with the world is the obsession is caused, and there are two forms of obsession, anxiety and fear. They both have very good examples of allegory in the Bible, but people seem to by the" literal "and obsessive to all forms of "sins" and all sorts of "rules" start dictating.

For me, nothing is sin, unless you want ... and no standard is required if you're scared. This makes it very clear that the desire and fear in ... and compulsive behavior behind them.

So, if not obsessed with religion and how can we prevent it?


Cupcakes said...

This is what we call the means.

I'm not sure how we can help you if: (

toogethr said...

When people begin to say or do things that their leaders perceived religious doctrine tells them something so extreme as to undermine all the grounds of religion to do first. That's when it became an obsession.

For example, religions teach people generally live in peace, but if you throw bombs on their bodies and exploit a market full of women and children, their religion, is possessed.

And if you kill abortion doctors in the name of their religion, which has owned.

Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer said...

If we are to the concrete and visible from religion as you mentioned, we have begun to take measures to implement and wants to see progress on the path of God. How can I as a Christian, what will my reward? The analysis of events as the characters in the Bible. Using the Bible to justify, in moments of weakness, our thinking and behavior. This kind of thinking we throw off the runway.

A test may be modest, we are always more choices and self-righteous? Maybe a little bit lack of confidence in us run after the confirmation of this obsession gives him.

Macrodrops (CGRA) said...

When is it an obsession?
Check with Elizabeth Smart, of his uncle, who was abducted horribly wrong.
It is a fine line between a religious person and a religious fanatic.
How can people think it is important to mental balance, or participate in religious practices found.

My father is a Christian who told me once.

"Religions are like diet, they can all, if you follow them, but go to sea with a can be dangerous.
Stay away from this cause, you kill not only their health. "

Peace and blessings =)

Michael said...

is the obsession of the second part begins ignorning logic and evidence continue in their faith

ATWA said...

when the fireball starts to make more sense for you.

Eros said...

When you reach level 5 I think ...

jinengli... said...

If her perfume?

grandpa said...


If you are a person who has joined a religious order as a priest, nun, monk or something similar to devote his whole being, his faith in these conditions. I think they have a mission or who believe they are doing. I do not think that holds good if, as is most of us who have to go on both sides of the fence, the answer is even more difficult.

Those who try to live by his faith and goes up to the point that the provision for themselves and their families, or if you start everything elses rights of way to all those who would bring all around them in danger or that interferes with an obsession. It is difficult to assess what the extreme religious practice, sometimes the typical and most of us do not understand all religions. But that is why our government and our society, while the lay faithful too.

I think a healthy balance.

I just hope when we get to heaven one days will, God does not "I know that all religious fanatic obsessed with running and say" I Told You So "

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