Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is Rice Vinegar Helps To Weight Lose How Does My Diet Plan Sound? Will It Help Me Lose Weight?

How does my diet plan sound? Will it help me lose weight? - is rice vinegar helps to weight lose

I am 162cm tall .. and now I weight 55kg. Oh, and I'm sixteen years old.
Chubby cheeks and I have really big calves ... )
If you have suggestions for my diet plan, please answer!

Tomorrow: 10 minutes jogging.
Brekkie: 2 slices of toast, soup and fruit.
Meals: lunch. (Rice, meat and soup)
Dinner: Salad with tomatoes and shrimp. Covered with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Oh, and I go to school. It is about 20 minutes.

Does this help me lose weight? and fast?


Hayley K said...

Hello ..
It is only 8 and a double and calculated their body mass index BMI and is very healthy ..
Why do you want to lose weight .. Of course, you're very thin now ..?
I'm pretty thin, but still dimples .. is exactly the way our faces are shaped so .. even with the leg .. They are built a certain way, no matter what you do ..
Yes, you can lose weight, but you can never change the natural way our body ..
Jogging is even the size of the calf, because .. gain muscle and muscle weighs more than fat .. I stayed with my foot not ..
I planted a memory for toast bread and soup in exchange for fruit yogurt for breakfast .. ..
Your lunch sounds like fruits .. good is good again and take at least 1 to 2 liters of pure water per day, if possible ..
It is really good for you .. are nice .. light skin and helps your body to get rid of fluid retention natural .. In addition, more fruit and vegetables through the beverage is consumed by more water is needed, otherwise your body can not breakall natural fibers of fruits and vegetables .. and you feel and look swollen, and this can you feel heavier, it seems, you have the stomach and mad as the balance of water weighs a lot .. and is not fat, but fluid retention ..
The dinner is very healthy .. The fine is not ..
Never try to lose weight, fast .. This is not really healthy, lose faster .. faster than the victory ..
What if your body feels taken .. It then stores everything you eat "diet" because you do not know when he will eat again .. so he hands on food and fats, healthy fats, which should work ..
My advice is to make minor changes, I saw the power ..
Soup, fruit or yogurt exchanges .. more (morning)
Walk all you can .. even at a leisurely pace ..
And most important .. Drink lots of water ..
And not always "hungry" for you ..
It was the night exchange for bananas, strawberries or melons ..
A banana contains as many calories as a piece of bread ..
While you have Bananon toast in the morning, because it is full of goodness and feel full longer, but they are a good idea to eat at night, take some time since the rupture in the digestive system ..
I personally do not really think you need to lose any weight at all ..
However, in my opinion for you is healthy ..
I hope I helped ..

jww6419 said...

The key to losing weight to burn - more calories than you consume.
Here are some tips you can give:

1. Check your food portions. Estimate the calories. Try to eat calories 3-300 and 2-100 calorie snacks. It must burn 3,500 calories to a pound. This is the calories by eating or reduce calories burned through exercise.
2. If you move to gain the maximum benefit from weight loss to your heart rate in his "heart rate target zone to get and keep them there.
Your THR 122-142bpm.
3. Drink lots of water.

Good luck! Do not Give Up!

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